The fourth issue of Annual Review of Critical Psychology is hot off the print! A dedicated issue, on ‘Feminisms and Activisms’, it fosters a large international collection of articles as well as poetry, art work and interactive media, with contributions spanning the academic / activist divide in different national contexts including Brazil, Italy, South Africa, Greece, Denmark, Spain, Venezuela, Catalunya, Germany and the UK, in multiple, challenging and original ways. The production of the journal as a collaborative project is represented in the diversity of the editorial team - Barbara Biglia from Catalunya/Italy, Jude Clark from South Africa/UK, Johanna Motzkau from Germany /UK and Alexandra Zavos from Greece/UK - who have collated a wide range of resources to illustrate the many possible yet different discourses and practices available or claimed by and for feminist and critical social mobilizations.
Table of Contents: Acknowledgements
‘Feminisms and Activisms’
Reflections on the politics of writing and the editorial process. Barbara Biglia, Jude Clark, Johanna Motzkau & Alexandra Zavos
‘The great fresco painting of the Italian feminist movements’. Sveva Magaraggia, Chiara Martucci and Francesca Pozzi (The Sconvegno Group)
‘Contesting femininity: Women in the political transition in Venezuela’. Isabel Rodríguez Mora
‘Family resistances: Women, war and the family in the African Great Lakes’ Ingrid Palmary
‘On Conflict, Gender and Nationalism in Cypriot society: Beliefs and Contradictions’.
Vassiliki Katrivanou
Interrelating Notes
Poetry: ‘Chop-Change’
Bandile Gumbi
‘Images of Women and Drugs’
Ilana Mountian
‘Sonic Cyborgs? Engendering dissonance and resistance in popular music’
Nancy Böttner
‘Exploring new ways of insubmission in social representation’
Grup de Lesbianes Feministes
Poetry: ‘and if your right eye should offend against you, then pluck it out’
Clare Shaw
Interrelating Notes
‘The role of the role: women as Prisoners or prisoners as Women?’
Faidra Papadimitriou, ARSIS
‘Woman at the margins: Me, Borderline Personality Disorder and Women at the Margins’
Clare Shaw
Poetry: ‘Contradiction’
Bandile Gumbi
‘Becoming a psychologist: professionalism, feminism, activism’
Jane Callaghan
‘It Takes Two: Glimpses of the Creative Youth Workshop Project of Thrace’
Anni Vassiliou & Tina Ligdopoulou
‘When faith and good will is not enough: Researcher positions in interactive research with school children’
Tine Jensen
Interrelating Notes
Poetry: ‘Vote for the British National Party’
Clare Shaw
‘Trafficking in Women’
Giota Touloumi, Feminist Center of Athens
‘Housewives, maids, cleaning ladies and caregivers in general: Care in the communication continuum’
Precarias a la Deriva
As a taster check the table of contents at the end of this message. So, get a copy (or a few!) and be part of the exciting and cutting edge debates! For individual subscribers it costs only £10 (€15; $18) and includes a free CD rom with art pieces, images of actions, music, and a conceptual multimedia map of activist research projects... And, we will post you the issue for free!
Individual subscribers:
Cheques in pounds sterling payable to:
‘Manchester Metropolitan University’ should be sent to Ian Parker, Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University, Hathersage Road, Manchester, M13 0JA, UK.
OR buy it via the internet:
register with and then send the payment (£10.00 direct from your paypal account to Ian Parker’s paypal account).
You can also pay by credit card: Send an email to Ian Parker to order the journal and he will send you a request via paypal (in this case the cost will be £10.50) email: Ian Parker on
Special offer:
Individuals who buy the special issue number 4 (Feminisms and Activisms) can purchase all of the previous 3 issues
· Number 1 (Foundations) published in 1999.
· Number 2 (Action Research) published in 2000.
· Number 3 (Anti-Capitalism) published in 2003.
at a special discount rate of a total £10.00.
Institutional subscriptions
For institutional subscribers each copy costs £30.00. Copies should be purchased separately. Cheques payable to ‘Manchester Metropolitan University’ should be sent to Ian Parker, Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University, Hathersage Road, Manchester, M13 0JA, UK.
The issue is also disponible by contacting directly the editors directly (if you are based near one of their geographical locations) or at selected bookshops:
· El lokal C/ de la Cera , 1 bis [Ciutat Vella] 08001 -Barcelona (Catalunya)
· Likiniano Kallea Ronda, 12 48005 -Bilbao (Euskady)Argument-Buchhandlung, Reichenberger Str. 150, 10999 Berlin, Germany.
· Tine Jensen in Roskilde/Copenhagen, Denmark - contact:
For further information on the journal and the possibilities of networking and collaboration or exchange on different feminist/activist projects, please contact one or all of the editorial team:Jude Clark Johanna Motzkau Alexandra Zavos azavos@otenet.grBarbara Biglia You can also write to the colective e-mail .
The next issues of the Annual Rewiev of Critical Psychology will be published as online open-access journal on starting with number 5. It is on critical psychology around the world scheduled to be available in 2006.
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